Crimson Hill Books Current Titles

Here’s a handy list of all of our current books. All are available worldwide as ebooks; some are also available as paperbound books.

If you’d like to know more about any of these titles or series, including where to buy them, simply follow the blue links.


Hardly know your way around a kitchen? LOVE the taste of bacon?

If so, Bacon Bob’s your guide to intense BACON pleasure as he takes you by the hand and walks you through creating 57 mouth-watering recipes for everything from appetizers to amaze (maybe astound?) your guests, to dinner mains, and even (who knew?) bacon facts and desserts!

Meet Bacon Bob…

Manage Your Weight

We’ve all read those stories about people who lose 20 pounds, 30 pounds, even 80 pounds or more and, even more amazingly, they manage to KEEP that ugly fat OFF their bodies.

Maybe you, or a friend or family member also know the struggle and frustration of trying to do the same, going from diet to diet and feeling deprived, but with little result.

So, how did those fortunate big losers actually WIN at weight loss?

They did it because they discovered the secret: Diets don’t work. But there are ways that are not ‘miracles,’ or ‘overnight’ or unhealthy fad diets but DO work to take off those unhealthy pounds off your body and keep them off – forever.

Obesity has been called America’s most expensive and serious epidemic. The terrible truth is that Americans are the fattest people on earth. And this fat leads to serious illness, early death, and comes at a terrible cost, both personally in ill-health and suffering and to the economy.

What can you do? Stop dieting – start losing weight in the smart way that actually works.

Free yourself from the endless diets nightmare – start living and eating healthy and losing weight naturally.

Improve Your Relationships

What could you do to improve your relationships, both professionally and personally? This series, primarily written for women but useful to anyone, offers answers and tools that could change all your relationships for the better.

You likely don’t need a whole new wardrobe, or a year in therapy, or even a few sessions of counselling to improve your relationships – just the handy tools and insights offered in this series.

Improve your relationships…starting here.

Living Gluten Free

What is it about the gluten free diet that attracts people who don’t have to adopt this lifestyle due to Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance?

Could it be that simply by switching to eating gluten free they have less aches and pains, sleep better, have more energy, and find it so much easier to lose weight?

Yes, you can experience all these benefits with a gluten free eating plan.

Books in this series tell you how to get started, how to manage gluten free eating when you eat away from home or don’t have much time to cook, and give you delicious and tested recipes for everything from snacks to desserts.

Making Gluten Free easy and delicious…

Growing & Cooking Series

What if there were an ingredient that easily, instantly makes everything you cook taste so much better?

This is the same ingredient that celebrity chefs use for their fabulous creations. You could sample these dishes (sometimes at eye-watering prices) in their own restaurants, or achieve similar results at home, without any of the fancy kitchen equipment or chefly techniques.

And also, you should know, this ingredient costs just pennies per plate, doesn’t come in a bottle or package, is easily available to almost anyone, anywhere and isn’t a new invention or discovery. In fact, it’s been around for longer than people have gathered for dinner.

What is this fantastic ingredient? Find out here…