Towards Better Relationships

No matter if you are at work, at home, out and about – relating to other people effectively is something we all need to be good at (and so many people wish they were better at).

Crimson Hill Books offers practical help in understanding each other and strengthening your relationships.

Talk So HE Will Listen: 12 Simple Steps To Stronger Relationships

Talk Listen Cover (2)

Possibly this man you’re trying to communicate with is a colleague…or maybe he’s a client … or your boss.

He might be a friend, a relative, a store clerk.

But, more likely, he is someone significant in your life that you really need to talk to, as well as listen to, and KNOW that you’re being heard.

Such as your boyfriend. Or husband.

If you often question if you are really getting through to him … if you wonder why you aren’t as close as you would like to be … if you seem to disagree more than you agree … if you want to know what it is he isn’t saying out loud … here is the book that can help you change all that!

Though it’s written by a woman, for women, this is a book that will be useful for anyone who wants to talk to, and be understood by, others. This is a book about the simple communications skills anyone can master to truly get their message across – or find out what HE’s really thinking, when he says…

Who Wrote Talk So HE Will Listen?

The author is Jackie Bennett, a writer, public speaker and college communications and journalism teacher who often writes about communications and relationships.

Not only does she share the skills that will make a difference in your results in talking to men (or anyone), she offers real-life stories about how these strategies work.

If you’re any woman who wants to talk to and understand men…or a man who wants to talk to and understand women (and wondering why man-speak just doesn’t work with her)…or a couple who want to deepen their relationship and trust, Talk So HE Will Listen is the book for you.

Here’s what Amazon reviewers have to say:

“…a book that will make you see how you are communicating in the wrong ways and then help you build the right ways.”

– Sunny

“Dives deep on body language, situations, timing of conversations, and also breaks down how to (and how not to) handle situations with people no matter their relationship to you. This is a very effective communication handbook.”

– Joseph C.

“The author very systematically puts in front of you different situations in communication and differences between the two sexes and explains it in a rational and simple way. Many times in the book I found situations when I was like a-ha, she is right, because I somehow managed to figure them out myself through the years. But I wished there was a book like this years ago. It would have saved me a lot of thinking about what he had meant by this or that.”

– Francesca CH

Available as an ebook in Kindle format from Amazon Here: